We’re experiencing a “real” Canadian winter this year. It’s been bone-chillingly cold since November and the regular bouts of snow and freezing rain have us on a consistent shovelling schedule. While I appreciate the beauty of a snowy landscape – tree branches frosted with freshly fallen snow and beaches seemingly transformed into glaciers – my preference has always been to observe winter indoors with a cup of coffee in hand….
A Valentine’s Gift to Remember: Unique Wood Watch by JORD
When it comes to gifts, unique, heartfelt and personalized items or experiences are at the top of my list. Valentine’s Day at our house is a pretty relaxed affair, but I use the occasion as a reminder to be grateful for the loved ones in my life and to let them know how special they are to me. It’s about creating that moment that will be remembered with a smile for years to come.
Anything engraved or monogrammed always makes my heart flutter. It’s that added gesture to show someone that a gift is “just for them.” JORD creates beautiful wood watch designs AND offers a customized engraving option. The perfect Valentine’s Day gift? I think so. …
The weather has been getting warmer and the brave tulips in our front yard have boldly pushed their way through the still icy soil proclaiming that spring has sprung. A couple of weeks ago, on a very rainy Sunday, I started the planning process for my Spring/Summer capsule wardrobe. If you have a capsule wardrobe, I’d love to hear about your planning process.
As a first step, I like to use the transitional period between seasons to evaluate my outgoing capsule (Fall/Winter, in this case), deciding which items to donate, which to tuck away into storage for next year, and which to incorporate into my capsule for the upcoming season. This editing process helps me reflect upon what I enjoy wearing and is helping me to better define my personal style with every passing season. …
Frye Dara Chelsea Boot | Review
Chelsea boots have been a staple in my wardrobe for several fall/winter seasons. They are such a classic style and look great with almost any outfit, be it jeans and blazer or a dress with tights.
As the cold weather moved in this past October, I took my much loved Top Shop boots to the cobbler to have them resoled. As they were admittedly beginning to look a little tired, I began the hunt for a replacement pair. I had a very specific list of criteria in mind for these new boots: slightly pointed toe; durable, quality leather; 1.5″ – 2″ heel; and a slim ankle section. After scouring the internet and spending a week lusting after the Acne Studios Jensen boots that are definitely out of my price range, I came across the Frye Dara Chelsea boot. It was love at first sight….